Ep 3: Learning

The desi kheere podcast
3 min readMar 17, 2022

“Learning is a lifelong process”

Hey guys!

Welcome to The desi kheere podcast.

Episode 3 was about learning and we dived deep into what learning is and the different methods of how and why it’s necessary but ultimately what it lead us to was to rant about how fuc**ed up our education system and we shared some of our experiences regarding that.

So, we started with learning and talked about the connection between an actual physical workout and learning which according to us is a mental workout.

It helps us navigate through uncharted territories and form mental connections which help us maneuver situations better the next time we face them.

Learning is a lifelong process and we firmly believe that a person that’s not actively learning is as good as dead, especially in this day and age.

Learning is the process of training your mind.

It’s the process that helps your growth as a human and it’s something that helps you stay relevant.

Learning is a process that starts as soon as a child is born and our surroundings play a huge role in it.

“Positive development of our personality, our mind, body and soul”

: The real definition of learning.

We talked about the stigma associated with not learning new things and why the process of learning something new seems taunting, the self doubt linked with being vulnerable to learn something new when you are already comfortable in your own domain. We covered it all.

The conversation moved to why a child who’s learning to walk is not afraid to try but a 25 year old MBA would be afraid to change his domain and learn something entirely new.

Although, we understand that a child has nothing to lose and a guy might lose his livelihood to learn something else, we here are talking about the way society looks down on those who tread off the “path to success” or those who do not fit the narrative of “refining what’s already their strength”.

What we basically want to normalize is the curiosity to learn something new and act based on what you want and not what people say lol.

What it takes to learn:

  • Be humble
  • Basically accept the fact that you don’t know everything
  • Don’t be afraid to look dumb
  • Ask the experts
  • Learn from your mistakes

From that we discussed the different learning techniques and types of learners.

The importance of storytelling in learning and how we humans use the oldest form of communication.

Now, after 18–19 minutes of the podcast we realize that now we have to rant about the education system which was the primary reason for the existence of this podcast.

Another thing we allow the machine learning algorithms to make mistakes but we don’t apply the same logic to humans in our so called education system. That’s a very funny thing if you ask me.

We need to understand that the superpower of these man-made machines that we call computers is that they do not have a problem doing repetitive tasks, they do not care how much time it takes to solve a problem.

We can do this all day, said a computer.

We need a complete revamp in this education system as it is rotten down to its core. Forget about being creative, there is a huge gap between what the industry wants and what we are being taught.

Stop creating human machines who don’t have the ability to critically evaluate a problem and force irrelevant information down their throats.

We need both talent and curiosity to survive in this current century and on that note would like to conclude this episode.

Thank you for reading.

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The desi kheere podcast

Listen to three young adults from the heart of India with a fresh new perspective on things that matter and more.